Monday, August 26, 2013

Built Shelter (c. 400,000 B.C.E.)

      Exclusive from (1001 Inventions That Changed the World) Book

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Rahul Shampe
Preface by
Trevor Baylis
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Jack Challoner
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The ancient world
Built Shelter
c. 400,000 B.C.E.

The earliest evidence for built shelter appears to have been constructed by (Homo heidelbergensis) who lived in Europe between around 800,000 B.C.E. & 200,000 B.C.E. anthropologists are uncertain whether these were ancestors of homo sapience (humans) or homo a neanderthalensis (Neanderthals) or both.
                                                                                              Art the French site of Terra Amata, which dates back around 400,000 years, archaeologists have found what they believe to be the foundations of large oval huancestorets. One of these shown evidence of first in a hearth, although other archaeologists postulate that natural process could be responsible. Archaeology on sites from hundreds of thousands of years ago is complicated. Claims for the discovery of built shelter in japan from more than 500,000 years ago were discredited in 200. In fact, all evidence for humans in japan before 35,000 years ago in currently questionable.

 We know that our ancestors spent time in caves hundreds of thousands of years. But caves are only found in certain areas whether they started building 100,000 or 400,000 years ago, their ability to create shelter close to food, water & other resources provided our ancestors with protection against the elements & dangerous animals. Living close to work also gave them more time to experiment with different ways of doing things, in other words, time to invent.

Philip Johnson, architect -                                                                                         
(“.next to agriculture, <shelter> is the most necessary to man. One must eat, one must have shelter.”)
Word Meanings
  1. Anthropologist – origin from Greek ‘human being’
  2. Ancestors – a person from whom one is descended.
  3. Oval – having a rounded & slightly elongated outline.
  4. Hearth – the floor or surround of a fireplace.
  5. Postulate – suggest or assume that something exists or is true, as a basis for a                                theory or discussion.

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